Page 35 - 45The Paranormal
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!#Parapsychology: Sources of Information (R.A. White & L.A. Dale;
Scarecrow 1973) 302 p.
Philosophie und Grenzgebiete 1945-1964 [occultism-bibliog.] (Koehler
& Volckmar 1964) 434 p.
Pioneers of the Unseen [psychical research-biog. ] (P. Tabori; Taplinger
1972) 243 p.
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Psychoenergetics: Annotated Bibliography [Russian psychical research]
(S.M. Fallah; ESPress 1974) 112 p.
Psychology, Parapsychology and Clairvoyance: Index of New Information
Sources (A.M. Calvine; Abbe 1994) 125 p.
!*Spirit Possession and Spirit Mediumship in Africa and Afm-America:
An Annotated Bibliography [spiritualism] (1.1. Zaretsky & C. Sham-
baugh; Garland 1978 rev.ed.) 443 p.
!Surveys in Parapsychology: Reviews of the Literature with Updated Bib-
liographies (R.A. White; Scarecrow 1976) 484 p.
I. Dana Gordon, “The American Society for Psychical Research Library,”
The Unabashed Librarian no. 86 (1993): 18.
2. Susan Blackmore, “Do We Need a New Psychical Research?,” Journal of
the Society for Psychical Research 55 (April 1988): 49-59.
3. John Palmer, “Psi Research in the 198Os,” Parapsychology Review 16
(March-April 1985): 1-4.
4. Debbie Oaks, “Are Crocodiles an Endangered Species? Parapsychology,
Science and the Future,” Journal of the Society for PsychicalResearch 58 (Octo-
ber 199 1): 84-89.
5. Eberhard Bauer, “Criticism and Controversies in Parapsychology: An
Overview,” European Journal ofParapsychology 5 (May 1984): 141-165.
6. Guy Playfair, “Do We Know What We are Doing?,” Parapsychology Re-
view 15 (March-April 1984): 1-5.
7. Sergio Rueda, “Parapsychology in the hero-American World,” RQ 30
(Spring 1991): 337-341.
8. Jeffrey MacDonald, “The Anthropology of Consciousness,” Parapsychol-
ogy Review 17 (July-August 1986): 13-16.
9. Larissa Vilenskaya, “Some Methodological Issues in Psi Research,” Psi
Research 3 (September-December 1984): 42-52.