Page 13 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 13
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
Two ways to increase production sharing in GDP
1. Extensive cultivation
To produce crop using more resources particularly land.
2. Intensive cultivation
To produce crops by less resource particularly land.
Reason for low productivity Or Factors affecting crop productivity
1. Climate it is general weather conditions prevailing in an area over a long period.
2. Soil it is upper layer of earth in which plants grows.
3. Socioeconomic
Some crops can be grown in one climate while other can be grown in other climates. Some
factors of climate can be manipulated e.g. irrigation makes desert bloom while some climatic
component can not be manipulated.
Major component of climate
Most crop need optimum temperature.
Hydrophytes e.g. rice need a lot of water for optimum growth
Mesophytes some crops need moderate quantities of water
Can get low quantities of water e.g. grain sorghum
Soil is medium for crop growth. It provide water, nutrients and also oxygen for root respiration.
Some crops can be grown in heaviest soil (more clay than silt e.g. potato
Some crops grow in lightest soil e.g. sugarcane
Relating to or concerned with the interaction of social and climatic factors.
Inflexible surface irrigation system
Small land holding,
Inequitable land distribution and indigenous technology, poor quality of research and extension
and other essential services.
Cultivation of crops
There is a big gap (yield gap) in potential yield of crop.
Yield gap = potential yield –average yield.
For mustard we get only 1/3 of potential yield.
Potential yield
It is maximum possible achievable yield of crop.
Average yield.