Page 18 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 18
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
Monocotyledon Dicotyledonous
Single cotyledon Two cotyledons
Narrow or needle like leaves Broad or web like leaves
Hypogeal germination Epigeal germination
Endosperm (2n) Endosperm (3n)
e.g. maize, wheat e.g. pea, grain, cowpea
Group of plants that normally breed among themselves and have many characters
common or a group of living organism consisting of similar individuals capable of
exchanging genes or of interbreeding.
Is group of similar plants within a particular species that is distinguished by one or
more than one character and given a name.
Cultivars of self pollinated plants as the pea or tomato usually constitute inbred lines
or pure lines that breed naturally. Cultivar name is always capitalized but never
underlined or italized. It may be identified as cultivar by single quotation mark e.g.
Golden Delicious.
It is working unit for agronomist and breeders.