Page 12 - Introduction to Agriculture by: Aqleem Abbas
P. 12
Introduction to Agriculture Notes prepared by: Aqleem Abbas
businesses and many jobs in the agricultural chemistry and biotechnology industries. It has also allowed farmers and
agribusinesses to export a large percentage of their crops to other countries. Farm exports have enabled farmers to expand their
markets and have contributed to aiding a country’s trade balance.
At the same time, industrial-scale agriculture has had adverse environmental consequences, such as intensive use of water,
energy, and chemicals. Many aquifers and other water reservoirs are being drained faster than they can be renewed. The energy
required to produce nitrogen-based synthetic fertilizers, to operate heavy farm equipment, to manufacture pesticides, and to
transport food over long distances involves burning large amounts of fossil fuels, which in turn contribute to air pollution and
global warming. The use of synthetic fertilizers has affected the ability of soil to retain moisture, thus increasing the use of
irrigation systems. Fertilizer runoff has also stimulated algae growth in water systems. Finally, herbicides and insecticides in
many cases have contaminated ground and surface waters. See also Environment.
During the 20th century, a reaction developed to industrial agriculture known as sustainable agriculture. While industrial
agriculture aims to produce as much food as possible at the lowest cost, the main goal of sustainable agriculture is to produce
economically viable, nutritious food without damaging natural resources such as farmland and the local watershed. Examples of
sustainable agricultural practices include rotating crops from field to field to prevent the depletion of nutrients from the soil,
using fertilizers produced naturally on the farm rather than synthetic products, and planting crops that will grow without needing
extensive irrigation. Sustainable agricultural practices have seen great success in parts of the developing world where resources
such as arable land and water are in short supply and must be carefully utilized and conserved. See also Organic Farming.
Application of principles, of physical, biological and social science to growing domesticated plants
to meet a diversity of human need in a profitable manner. It is a challenge to increase yield as
population increases. It must be sustainable. (to use current resources in a way to safe guard future
use of these resources)
Why we study field crop production
To increase production.
To bringing more area under cultivation.
Dependence of agriculture
In 1951 it was 82%.
While in 1991 it was 70 %.
Share of agriculture in GDP
In 1951 it was 53.2%.
In 1998 it was 26 %.
In 2008-2009 it was 22.32 %.