P. 71
4.2. Learning Objective
At the end of reading through this module the nurse should be able to
1. Distinguish different types of common skin diseases
2. Provide the necessary nursing care accordingly
3. Practice the various types of preventive method
4.3 Pyodermal bacterial skin diseases
4.3.1 Erysipelas
Erysipelas is skin infection caused by staphylococcal pyogens or B-hemolytic
streptococcus, characterized by well-demarcated erythema and swelling on the face or
extremities associated with pain and fever.
The distinctive features of erysipelas are well-defined erythema with indurated margin
particularly among nasolabial fold rapid progression and intense pain flaccid bullae may
develop during the second and third days of illness
¾ Penicillin is the drug of choice which is given if the lesion becomes bullous or to
higher level
¾ Anti pain
¾ General skin care- cleaning the skin and applying antiseptic cream
¾ Encourage personal hygiene like regular washing hands
4.3.2. Boil (Furuncle)
Definition – Bacterial infection of hair follicles
¾ A furuncle is an infection of a hair follicle and curbancle infection of more than one
hair follicle
¾ It often occurs as an extension a superficial folliculitis
¾ These infections often occur in hairy areas of the body, especially where there is
perspiration and friction.