P. 75
Nursing care
¾ Nursing assessment
¾ Examine and determine the types of lesion
¾ Consider the site of involvement
¾ Rule out underlying skin conditions
¾ Clean the skin
¾ Apply topical antiseptic cream or antibiotics
¾ Treat with systemic antibiotic
¾ Advise on personal hygiene
¾ Relief pain by using non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
¾ Systematic antibiotic therapy
¾ Clean the wound with antiseptic preparation to reduce bacterial content
¾ Wash lesions with water or soak soap solution
¾ After crusts are removed, topical medication will be used eg neomycin or
tetracycline or mupirocin is applied,
¾ Glove should be given when care is given to the patient
Preventive measure
• Patient education and home care.
• The patient and family should be instructed to bath at least once daily with
bactericidal soap cleanliness and good hygienic practices help to prevent the
spread of the lesions from one skin area to another and from one person to
• Each person should have separate towel because impetigo is contagious until
totally cure.
¾ Spread of infection, cellulites, erthyma
¾ Glomerulo – nephritis (Systematic reaction to streptococcal antigens)
¾ Scaring formation in deeper lesion
¾ Disfiguring and loss of asthetic appearance (Post inflammatory hypo or hyper
pigmented of skin)