P. 80
For PB patient standard dose of predinsolon:
Week of course Daily dose of pre dnisol /one
1- 2 40 gm
3- 4 30 gm
5 -6 20 mg
7- 8 15 mg
9-10 15 mg
11- 12 5 mg
Total duration is twelve weeks
For MB patient the standard treatment
Week of course Daily dose of treatment
1- 4 40 mg
5- 8 30 mg
9-12 20 mg
13-16 15 mg
17- 20 10 mg
20-24 5 mg
This course last 24 weeks
Nursing intervention
♦ Rest is important during episode of reaction or inflammatory condition
♦ Splint can be applied to the limb to rest affected Muscle & nerves
♦ As recovery begins the nurse has to do passive exercise to help the range of
movement and follow by active exercise to restore muscle strength
♦ Give health education to the patient about the medication and reducing the risk
of damage to body parts
♦ If patient has loss of sensation in their feet, advise to wear proper footwear,
with microcella rubber inside the shoes