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4.3.5 Cellulites:
Is bacterial infection that spreads in to the subcutaneous tissue. Involves deeper
structure of skin and Characterized by erythema, edema of affected area (there will be
swelling of the extremities) some times blisterma and ulceration. Streptococcus bacteria
are frequently the responsible organisms. The manifestation of inflammatory process is
Management: - systemic antibiotic are usually effective. Rest` will decrease muscular
contraction, which would force offending organism in to the circulatory system
-Elevate affected limbs to reduce edema
-Clean the skin apply antiseptic cream and antibiotics
-Remove necrotic and dead tissue from the surface of the lesion
4.3.6 Leprosy (Hansen’s disease)
Is a chronic mycobacterial infectious disease caused by myco bacterium leprae that
affect the skin and peripheral nerves? It causes nerve damage (nerve function loss)
characterized by muscle weakness and hypo pigmented macula. In advanced cases
papules, nodules and inflammation
What is a leprosy reaction?
A leprosy reaction is manifested with inflammation of the skin lesion and peripheral
nerves. It occurs due to the immune system in the body attacking the leprosy bacilli.
The inflammation in the skin lesions causes redness and edema, therefore the
hypopigmented macular lesion become red and raised. It causes discomfort and pain or
may ulcerated in sever cases. If this not treated early the inflammation in the peripheral
nerves causes tenderness/pain/ and enlargement of the nerves, which may lead nerve
damage with motor or sensory loss (muscle paralysis and loss of sensation of
extremities) The nerve damage, account, for the disability and stigma in leprosy.
When do reactions occur?
A person with leprosy can have a reaction at almost any time. Before treatment, during
treatment and after treatment has been completed.