P. 84

4.3.8 Acne Vulgaris

               Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory disorder of sebaceous unit. It is a common
               inflammatory disorder affecting face, chest and back but it may occur at any site.

               Acne is the most commonly encountered skin condition, affecting an estimated 85% of

               the population between 12 & 35 years of age. Girls develop acne 2years earlier than

               Characterized by the presence of – closed comedones (white heads,)

               Open comedones (black heads) are primary lesions while Papules, Pustules, and

               Nodules & cysts are secondary lesions

                       ¾  Becomes more marked at puberty
                       ¾  Occurs when the pilosebaceous duct is plugged

                                Clinical manifestations
                   Closed comedones (white head) –

                                          - are formed from impacted lipids or oils and keratin that plug

                                         the dilated follicle
                                           - are small, whitish papules

                                           - may evolve in to open comedones
                                           - have minute follicular openings that can’t be seen

                   -Open comedones (Black head)
                                      – Contents are in open communication with the external

                                    environment  the  blackhead  is due to accumulation of lipid,

                                          bacterial & epithelial debris that obstruct the flow of sebum.
                   Factors which contribute to the development of the acne lesion are:

                                           1. Excess secretion of sebum

                                            2. Abstraction of the pilosebeaues orifice
                                            3. Inflammation as a result of pcapionobacterum acne and leakage of

               content of pilosebeaceoues content

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