P. 88
4.4 Eczema
Eczema is a recurrent inflammatory disorder of the skin precipitated by persistent
itching followed by erythmatous, edematous vesicular and oozing lesion. Eczema could
be sub acute or chronic. In acute stage erythema (redness), papules, vesicles, scales,
crusts, or scabs appear alone or together. In chronic stage thickening of the skin, hyper
pigmentation and lichinification due to longterm scratching.
Eczema is not a specific disease. It is characterized by a vicious cycle of inflammation –
itch – scratch.
Î Dermatitis and eczema are terms that may be used interchangeably to describe a
group of disorders with a characteristic appearance.
Classification of eczema
Eczemas are basically classified into endogenous and exogenous factors.
Endogenous factors constitutional
• Atopic
• Seborrhoeic
Exogenous factors:
• Contact dermatitis ( irritant and allergic contact)
• Photo dermatitis (Phototoxic and photo allergic)
Unclassified (special group)
• Neurodermatitis
• Juvenile plantar dermatitis
Clinical Features Common to Most Patterns Of Eczema ( different stage of
1. Acute eczema
Is characterized by:
¾ Redness and swelling, usually with an ill-defined border
¾ Papule, vesicles, and large blisters