P. 89
¾ Exudation and crusting
¾ Oozing
¾ It can be itchy, but not always
2. Sub acute dermatitis
Characterized by:
¾ Moist lesion, erythematous, excoriated, scaling papules
¾ Plaques that are either grouped or scattered over erythematous skin
3. Chronic eczema
¾ More likely to be lichenified (a dry leathery thickened state, with increased skin
markings, secondary to repeated scratching or rubbing)
¾ More likely to develop painful fissures
1. Heavy bacterial colonization is common in all types of eczema (but overt
infection is most trouble some in the seborrhoeic and atopic types).
2. Reaction to medications may provoke dissemination, especially in stasis
3. Anxiety states may develop with all severe forms of eczema
4. Herpes infection of the eczematous is serious complication
5. Scarring and permanent hyperpigmentation.
Differential diagnosis
¾ Psoriasis
¾ Fungal infections
¾ Scabies etc.
A. For acute weeping eczema
¾ Application (soaking with) potassium permanganate or saline solution
followed by
¾ Application of smear of corticosteroid cream or lotioin