P. 32

Candidal colonization is at the highest levels during the extremes of ages, in neonates

               and people older than 65 years

               Intertrigo:  affects any site where the skin surfaces are in close proximity with warm
               and moist environment.  Pruritic rash that begins with vesiculopustules, which enlarge

               and rupture, causing maceration and fissuring. Satellite lesions frequently are found

               that may coalesce and extend into larger lesions.

               3.7.7. Paronychia and onychomycosis

               Frequently, paronychia and onychomycosis are associated with immersion of the

               hands in water.  Patients present with a painful and erythematous area around and

               underneath the nail and nail bed, warm, glistening, tense, and tender.  There is
               secondary nail thickening, ridging, discoloration, and occasional nail loss in chronic


               Mucosal candidiasis

               Oropharyngeal candidiasis (OPC)

               Symptoms include: asymptomatic, sore, and painful mouth, burning mouth or tongue,
               dysphagia, whitish thick patches on the oral mucosa. When removed show

               erythematous base.

                Physical examination reveals a diffuse  erythema and white patches that appear on

               the surfaces of the buccal mucosa, throat, tongue, and gums.  The presence of
               retrosternal pain, epigastric pain,  nausea, and vomiting may suggest esophageal


               Vulvovaginal candidiasis: This is the second most common cause of vaginitis. The

               patient's history includes vulvar pruritus, vaginal discharge, dysuria, and dyspareunia.
               The vagina and labia are erythematous, with a thick curd like discharge.

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