P. 105
4.5.3 Warts
Warts (verrucae) are caused by human papilloma virus (HPV) and may be found any
where on the skin.
Causative agent
Over 40 different subtypes of human papillomaviruses (HPV) have been identified by
serological type of viral proteins
Incubation period
Average 2-18 months
Mode of transmission
¾ Genital warts are transmitted sexually
¾ Common warts are transmitted by contact with scratch and traumatized area of
¾ Genital warts may be transmitted to the new born through passage of birth canal.
Clinical manifestation
¾ Usually there is no symptom but lesions are usually mutiple , raised hyper keratatie
lesion on exposed areas. Plane warts occur mostly on face and lesion is slightly
raised plaque.
¾ Warts vary widely in shape, size and appearance
¾ Itching occurs with anogenital warts
¾ Occasionally a wart produce mechanical obstruction (e.g nostril, ear canal, urethra)
¾ Flat warts are most evident under illumination
¾ Sub ungual warts may be dry, fissured may resemble hangnails
¾ Warts are usually not painful, but warts on the soles of the feet (plantar warts) often
painful and resemble plantar corns.
¾ Cervical warts increase the risk of cervical cancer
Management and Nursing intervention
Warts are usually self - limiting