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or aching. In some patients the pain is  absent and in some  patients itching and

               tenderness may occur over the area.
               The lesions are grouped vesicles appear on  the red and swollen skin following a

               dermatone. The early vesicles contain serum and later, rupture and form crusts. The
               inflammation is usually unilateral, involving the thoracic, cervical and cranial nerves.

               The blisters are usually confined to narrow region of the face or trunk. The clinical
               course varies from 1 to 3 weeks. If an ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve is involved

               the patient may have painful eye. Inflammation and rash on the trunk may cause pain at

               the slightest touch.  In eye it causes keratitis, uveitis, ulceration and blindness. The
               healing time varies between 7 and 26 days Herpes zoster in healthy adult is usually

               localized and benign, however, in immuno  suppressed patient, the disease may be

               severe and the clinical course acutely disabling.

               Management and Nursing intervention
               The goal of treatment is to relieve the  pain and reduce complication.  These include

               infection, scarring post herpetic nuralgia & eye complications.

                   1.  The pain is controlled with analgesics and may require neurontin (gabapatin) for

                       pain conterol
                   2.  Systemic corticosteroids given to patient over age of 50 to reduce the incidence

                       and duration of complication. Healing is usually more rapid in those who have
                       been treated with steroids.

                   3.  started early antiviral drug such as systemic Acyclovir is effective in reducing the
                       pain and halting the progress of the disease and assess the discomfort and

                       response to medication on patient( try to get the patient in24 to 48  hours)

                   4.  Apply wet dressing or medication to the lesion.
                       Wet dressing (Compresses) is usually  used for acute, weeping inflammatory

                       lesion. This may be either sterile or non sterile.

                   5.  Systemic antibiotic to control secondary infection.

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