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pharyngeal mucosa, particularly on the mouth and tongue, if scraped raw bleeding
area seen. The lesions are usually painless, but fissuring at the corner of the mouth
can be painful. The lesions can characteristically be scraped off.
Candidal vuluvovugintis
Present as an irritable eryhema associated with a copious which white curdy
discharge. Pregnant and diabetic women are at risk.
Management of candidal vulvuovagnitis
1. Fluconazol or traconazol can be given. Short course enough for immine
2. Clotrimazol vaginal tablet 100mg tab per vagina for 3 to 6 days
3. Miconazol vaginal also can be used for 3 days
4. Ketconazol 200 mg can be used for one week
d) Diagnosis and lab Finding
Diagnosis is made clinically and/, by microscopic examination of scraping from the
affected area and by endoscope with biopsy and culture.
e) Management of oral candidasis and nursing intervention
Therapy depends upon the severity of disease, if a patient is able to swallow and take
adequate amounts of fluid orally:
¾ Fluconazole 100 mg/d for 10-14 days, if the patient is more ill or has developed
esophagitis while taking fluconazole.
¾ Relapse is common when there is underlying HIV infection.
¾ Mouth care will be given frequently
¾ Ketoconazole 200-400 mg with break fast for 7-14 days
¾ Clotrimazole 10 Mg dissolved orally five times daily
¾ 0.12% chlorhexidine or half – strength hydrogen peroxide mouth rinses may
provide local relief
¾ Nystatin powder (100,000 units /g) applies to dentures three or four times daily
for several weeks may help denture wears.
¾ Tell the patient to take mouth care always after meal