P. 98

a) Clinical manifestation

                   ¾  Itching may be severe, or the rash may be asymptomatic
                   ¾  The lesion consists of erythematous plaque with well defined margin & cleared

                   ¾  Rarely the lesion may have a vesicle  formation at the borders and satellite

                       vesicle lesions are rarely present could be complicated by secondary Candidal

                b) Management
                      General measure

                     ¾  Drying powder eg. Miconazole nitrate should be dusted in to the involved area

                        in a patient with perspiration or occlusion of skin due to obesity. Under wear
                        should be loose – fitting

                     ¾  Advice to wear light cotton underwear.
                     ¾  Iron or boil underwear and change daily.

               Local Fungistatic measure (topical treatment)

                   ¾  Clean affected area daily and keep it dry.

                   ¾  Topical medication such as clotrimazole ketoconazol, miconazole   cream will be
                       used for 3 to 4 wks

                   ¾  Terbenatin cream is curative in over 80% of cases twice daily for 7 days
                   ¾ Systematic treatment griseofulvin ultramicor size reserved for severe case, 10-15

                       mg/Kg  daily for 1-2 weeks

               4.4.7 Tinea unguium (onycho- mycosis)

               Tinea unguium (fungal infection of the nails) is a chronic fungal infection of the nails and
               is most common on toe nails and less frequently toe nails.

               a) Causative organism

               The disease is caused by trichophyton species, Trichophytorubrum and candida


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