P. 100
c) Management and nursing intervention
¾ Topical treatment like selenium sulfide or clotrimazole shampoo lwhich may be
applied from neck to waist daily and left on for 5 -15 minutes for 7 days. This
treatment is repeated weekly for a month and monthly for maintenance.
¾ Ketoconazole shampoo may also be used weekly
¾ 3% salicylic acid in rubbing alcohol and sodium thiosulfate is also used to remove
scaly substance from skin
¾ To prevent relapse sulfur – salicylic acid soap or shampoo or zinc pyrithrone
containing shampoo used on a continuing basis may be effective prophylaxis
¾ Ketoconazole 200 mg daily orally for one week or 400 mg as single oral dose,
apparently results in short term cure of 90% cases
¾ Advice the patient to take daily baths
¾ Iron under wears and T-shirts
4.4.9 Candidiasis
a) Epidemiology
Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by Candida albicans. This organism is
frequently a normal inhabitant of mouth, throat, large intestine and vagina. It
propagates in areas that are moist and warm, such as in mucous membranes and
folds of tissues. Oral candidiasis is commonly encountered among denture wearers
in the debilitated, diabet and patient with anemia. The disease will occur also in
those patient under going chemotherapy, local radiation treatment and patients who
are using corticosteroid and anti biotic. Candidiasis is often one of the
manifestations of HIV/AIDS.
b) Mode of transmission
Oral candidiasis occurs spontaneously in the mouth from normal flora due to
prolonged use of antibiotic or immunosuppressive thrapy or HIV infection..
c) Clinical manifestation of oral candidiasis (oral thrush)
Oral candidiasis is manifested by the appearance of adherent white plaque on tongue
and inner surface of cheek In advanced diseased esophageal involvement is the most
frequent type of invasive mucosal disease. The lesion is found around oral and