Page 82 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Table 5. Monitoring criteria in protocols with curative intent in chronological order of starting enrollment year (continued)
                                        Center, Country          Monitoring          Gleason         # biopsy cores      PSA  Imaging  Behavioral                 Additional             Triggers for
                                        [Pubmed ID]              schedule            score           /% cores                                indication           laboratory tests       interventions
                                        Enrollment years

                                        Four tertiary     Every 6-12 mo         –                    –                                √                  MRI of the        –  –  Criteria for recommending
                                        care academic  PSA and DRE,                                                                                      prostate was               treatment were
                                        medical           rebiopsies within                                                                              selectively                nonstandardized and
                                        canters,  US 109   18 mo and then                                                                                every 1 to 3 yr            physician specific.
                                        [19233410]        every 1 to 3 yr

                                        UCSF,             Every 3 mo PSA        Gleason upgrade      TRUS guided biopsy every         PSA velocity       –                 –  –  Disease progression; no
                                        US 111,131-133,135    and DRE; prostate  to ≥4 (if (≤6 at    6-12 mo                          >0.75 ng/mL/yr                                specific protocol for
                                        [18433013;        biopsy every 12-      diagnosis) or                                                                                       intervention (implied)
                                        21115873;         24 mo (after 2003)    ≥4+3 (if 3+4 at      ≥33% of cores or >50% of         PSA DT < 1
                                        21419438]                               diagnosis) 131       any core 132                     yr 133

                                        >1991                                                        Rebiopsy ≥10 cores   135
                                        Univ. of          Every 3-4 mo PSA  ≥7     110               >2 positive cores (After         Biochemical        TRUS (needed  –  –  Treatment is encouraged
                                        Miami,            and DRE for 2 yr                           2000, a peripherally             progression:       for determining            at an increase in tumor
                                        US 110,127        and every 6 mo                             targeted TRUS biopsy of          PSA increase       tumor volume)              volume, Gleason score
                                        [17850361;        thereafter. 110                            10-12 cores was performed        25-50 %/yr 127     110                        ≥7, or the presence of >2
                                        10759669]                                                    9-12 mo after the first                                                        positive cores at
                                                                                                     rebiopsy, and then annually                                                    rebiopsy. 110
                                        1991-2007                                                    or earlier if dramatic rise in                                                 Treatments were offered
                                                                                                     PSA or a change on                                                             at the time of local stage
                                                                                                     DRE.)  110                                                                     progression by DRE
                                                                                                                                                                                    and/or biochemical
                                                                                                                                                                                    progression, or systemic
                                                                                                                                                                                    progression. 127

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