Page 81 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Table 5. Monitoring criteria in protocols with curative intent in chronological order of starting enrollment year

 Center,   Monitoring   Gleason   # biopsy cores /%   PSA   Imaging  Behavioral   Additional   Triggers for
 Country   schedule   score   cores   indication   laboratory   interventions
 [Pubmed ID]                                  tests
 Baylor   DRE and PSA   any new   Repeat TRUS   PSA velocity   –   –   –   Definitive treatment
 College of   every 3 mo first yr   Gleason   guided sextant   was calculated   when objective
 Medicine and   and every 6 mo   pattern 4 or   biopsy was   from 3 separate   progression or
 MSKCC,   thereafter.   5   recommended at 6   recorded values   patients’ requests.
 US 106    mo: bilateral or   in a 12-mo
 [15017211]   multifocal cancer, or   period: > 0.75
    > 4 cores with   ng/ml/yr in 12
 1984-2001   cancer   mo, or 24 mo
 McGill Univ.,   Every 3-6 mo PSA   Gleason   TRUS guided   √   –   √   –   Clinical disease
 Canada 26,107    and DRE   pattern of 4   biopsy was done   progression on DRE or
 [18484590]   annually or when                               repeated sextant
    there was a change                                       biopsy, patient
 1987-2002   in DRE or PSA.                                  preference, or rising
                                                             PSA level.
 ≥3 positive, or
 >50% cancer in at
 least 1 core
 Univ. of   Every 3-6 mo   Progression   Increase in tumor   √   –   Anxiety   –   Increase in tumor
 Connecticut   PSA, DRE every 6   in Gleason   volume (increased   related to   volume, progression in
 Health   to 12 mo,   score   number or percent   increasing   Gleason score, onset
 Center, US 108    rebiopsies   of cores positive)   PSA trend   of urinary symptoms,
 [18707696]   recommended 2 yr                               change in DRE or
    after initial biopsy                                     patient request (due to
 1990-2006                                                   anxiety related to
                                                             increasing PSA trend).

   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86