Page 85 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Table 5. Monitoring criteria in protocols with curative intent in chronological order of starting enrollment year (continued)
Center, Country Monitoring Gleason # biopsy cores PSA Imaging Behavioral Additional laboratory Triggers for
[Pubmed ID] schedule score /% cores indication tests interventions
Enrollment years
Royal Marsden Every 3-6 mo >7 124 TRUS-guided PSA DT<4 yr 124 Repeat – – Rate of rise of
Hospital, PSA and DRE octant biopsy at imaging only PSA, according
UK 112,124,128 for 2 yr and Primary 18-24 mo. PSA velocity >1 if clinically to judgment of
[15839912; every 6 mo Gleason ≥4, Sextant or ng/mL/yr based indicated. 112 each patient and
17850368; thereafter. (initial Gleason octant on a minimum of clinician. 112
18949747] Rebiopsy not 3+3, upgraded ≥50% biopsy 4 values
routine. 112 to Gleason cores observed over PSA DT<4 yr,
1993-2002; ≥3+4) 134,136 positive. 124 minimum of 6 histologic
≥2002; 124 2004- After 2002; mo 128,134 progression, or
2006 134 monthly PSA in patient
yr 1, every 3 mo preference, or
in yr 2, and PSA velocity >1
every 6 mo ng/mL/yr 128
thereafter. 124,134
DRE every 3 mo
for 2 yr.
Johns Hopkins, Every 6 mo PSA ≥7; or >2 cores cancer √ (PSA kinetics – Patient – Annual
US 113 and DRE; Gleason positive; or not used as a request for surveillance
[20439642] annual extended pattern 4 or 5 single core trigger for curative biopsy: Gleason
12-core biopsy >50% cancer intervention) treatment 137 ≥7; or Gleason
1994-2008 (from annual pattern 4 or 5; or
extended 12- >2 cores cancer
core biopsy) positive; or
single core
>50% cancer.