Page 86 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Table 5. Monitoring criteria in protocols with curative intent in chronological order of starting enrollment year (continued)
Center, Country Monitoring Gleason # biopsy cores PSA Imaging Behavioral Additional laboratory Triggers for
[Pubmed ID] schedule score /% cores indication tests interventions
Enrollment years
Toronto-SRCC, Every 3 mo for Histologic Subsequent PSA progression: Bone scan – PAP and Clinical,
Canada 114,125,129,130 the first 2 yr and progression: biopsies were PSA DT <2 yr, annually for serum histologic or
[11395227; every 6 mo Gleason score performed every based on at least the first 2 yr creatinine PSA progression
19917860; thereafter upgraded to 3-4 yr to identify 3 separate and biennially triggered the
20478589; ≥8 in the biologic measurements thereafter. If offer of
20846681] rebiopsy of the progression. 125 over a minimum PSA >15 treatment based
prostate at 18 of 6 mo; final ng/ml, annual on age, extent of
1995-2002 as a months post Sextant biopsies PSA >8 ng/ml; p- bone scan disease and
phase II trial; 2003- enrollment were used from value <0.05 from was comorbidities.
ongoing as an open 1995 to 2000; regression of performed.
prospective cohort since 2000, 10 ln(PSA) on time.
to 14-core TRUS was
biopsies were Protocol changes performed
performed using in PSA DT every 6 mo.
the Vienna assessment or
nomogram. 129 calculation in
1999 and after
2002. In 2005
the group
developed a
general linear
mixed model as
a clinical decision
making aid. h130
Memorial Sloan- Every 6 mo PSA Gleason grade >3 positive >10 – – – Treatment was
Kettering Cancer and DRE; biopsy 4 or 5 biopsy cores recommended
Center, US 115 was within 12 to (minimum 10), when the patient
[21167529] 18 mo starting biopsy core no longer met
AS and repeated containing >50% study eligibility
1997-2009 every 2 to 3 yr cancer criteria during
involvement followup.