Page 290 - An Evidence Review of Active Surveillance in Men With Localized Prostate Cancer
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Appendix Table C1.7. Tumor characteristics—stage (continued)
                                        Author               Database      Stage groups            1980-84     1985-      1990-94       1995-99      2000-04     2005-     Statistical       Notes
                                        Year                                                                   89                                                10        analysis
                                        Cooperberg           CaPSURE  T stage                                                                                              P<0.001           Trend data
                                        2007                               1a                                             3.5%          1.6%         <1%         <1%       (“trend in        reported only for
                                        17644125                           1b                                             4.1%          1.1%         <1%         <1%       distribution of   “low-risk”
                                                                           1c                                             29.9%         49.8%        73.3%       78.3%  each risk            prostate cancer
                                                                           2a                                             62.5%         47.4%        25.3%       20.7%  characteristic”)     (PSA≤10 ng/ml,
                                                                                                                          (1990-94)     (1995-99)    (2002-      (2004-                      Gleason score
                                                                                                                                                     03)         06)                         ≤6 and clinical
                                                                                                                                                                                             stage T1 or T2a).
                                        Cooperberg           CaPSURE  T stage                                                                                                                High risk
                                        2008                               T1                                             12.7%         9.3%         23.4%       26.1%  P<0.001              localized
                                        18369637                           T2a/b                                          20.7%         14.6%        10.9%       10.4%  (Cuzick test for  prostate cancer
                                                                           T2c                                            56.7%         64.8%        61.2%       60.7%  trend)               only
                                                                           T3a                                            10.0%         11.4%        4.6%        2.8%
                                                                                                                          (1990-94)     (1995-99)    (2002-      (2004-
                                                                                                                                                     03)         07)
                                        Greene               CaPSURE  T stage
                                        2005                               1                                                            43%          58%                   P<0.001
                                        16194711                           2                                                            54%          41%                   (chi-square
                                                                           3                                                            2%           1%                    comparing 2
                                                                                                                                        (1997- 99)  (2000-                 periods)
                                        Mettlin              NCDB          0-II                                67.3%      64.7%                                            NR
                                        1994                               III                                 13.0%      16.2%
                                        8062197                            IV                                  19.7%      19.1%
                                                                                                               (1985)     (1990)
                                        Mettlin              NCDB          Stage 0-I                           44.2%      29.4%
                                        1996                               Stage II                            20.2%      39.9%
                                        8640686                            Stage II                            14.6%      18.4%
                                                                           Stage IV                            20.9%      12.4%
                                                                                                               (1987)     (1992)
                                        Mettlin              NCDB          pAJCC/cAJCC                                                                                     NR
                                        1995                               stage
                                        8625214                            0                                   1.9%       4.7%
                                                                           I                                   18.8%      18.9%
                                                                           II                                  9.5%       33.1%
                                                                           III                                 6.7%       15.1%
                                                                           IV                                  10.6%      10.4%
                                                                           Unknown                             52.6%      17.8%
                                                                                                               (1986-     (1992)

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