Page 77 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
P. 77
Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)
depression, relapse prevention, chronic depressive symptoms and depression
with a diagnosis of personality disorder available for people with depression in
secondary care settings (including community and inpatient). [2022] [2022]
1.16.15 When providing psychological therapies for people with depression in inpatient
• increase the intensity and duration of the interventions
• ensure that they continue to be provided effectively and promptly on discharge. [2009] [2009]
1.16.16 Consider using CRHT teams for people with depression having a period of
inpatient care who might benefit from early discharge from hospital. [2009] [2009]
For a short explanation of why the committee made these recommendations and how they
might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on crisis care, home treatment and
inpatient care.
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review A: service
Terms used in this guideline Terms used in this guideline
This section defines terms that have been used in a particular way for this guideline. For other
definitions see the NICE glossary and the Think Local, Act Personal Care and Support Jargon
Acquired cognitive impairments Acquired cognitive impairments
Cognitive impairments are neurological disorders that affect cognitive abilities (for example,
learning, memory, communication and problem-solving). Acquired disorders may be because of
medical conditions that affect mental function (for example, dementia, Parkinson's disease or
traumatic brain injury).
Avoidance Avoidance
An unhelpful form of coping behaviour in which a person changes their behaviour to avoid thinking
about, feeling or doing difficult things. This includes putting things off, reducing activities, not
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