Page 73 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
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Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)

         1.16.4  Commissioners and providers of mental health services should ensure that

                 accessible, inclusive and culturally adapted information about the pathways into
                 treatment and different explanatory models of depression is available, for
                 example in different languages and formats and in line with NHS England's
                 Accessible Information Standard. [2022] [2022]

         1.16.5  Commissioners and providers of mental health services should ensure pathways
                 have the following in place for people with depression to promote access, and
                 increased uptake and retention:

                   •  services delivered in culturally appropriate or culturally adapted language and formats

                   •  services available outside normal working hours

                   •  a range of different methods to engage with and deliver treatments in addition to in-

                      person meetings, such as text messages, email, telephone and online or remote
                      consultations (where clinically appropriate, and for people who wish to access and are
                      able to access services in this way)

                   •  services provided in community-based settings, for example in a person's home,
                      community centres, leisure centres, care homes, social centres and integrated clinics
                      within primary care (particularly for older people)

                   •  services delivered jointly with charities or the voluntary sector

                   •  bilingual therapists or independent translators

                   •  procedures to support active involvement of families, partners and carers, if agreed by
                      the person with depression. [2022] [2022]

         1.16.6  When promoting access and uptake of services, identify and address the needs
                 of groups who may have difficulty in accessing, or face stigma or discrimination
                 when using some or all mental health services. This may include:

                   •  men

                   •  older people

                   •  lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people

                   •  people from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities

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