Page 76 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
P. 76

Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)

            For a short explanation of why the committee made these recommendations and how they
            might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on collaborative care and specialist

            Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review A: service

         Crisis care, home treatment and inpatient care Crisis care, home treatment and inpatient care

         1.16.11  Consider crisis resolution and home treatment (CRHT) for people with more
                 severe depression who are at significant risk of:

                   •  suicide, in particular for those who live alone

                   •  self-harm

                   •  harm to others

                   •  self-neglect

                   •  complications in response to their treatment, for example older people with medical

                      comorbidities. [2022] [2022]

         1.16.12  Ensure teams providing CRHT interventions to support people with depression:

                   •  monitor and manage risk as a high-priority routine activity

                   •  establish and implement a treatment programme

                   •  ensure continuity of any treatment programme while the person is in contact with the

                      CRHT team, and on discharge or transfer to other services when this is needed

                   •  put a crisis management plan in place before the person is discharged from the team's

                      care. [2022] [2022]

         1.16.13  Consider inpatient treatment for people with more severe depression who

                 cannot be adequately supported by a CRHT team. See also the NICE guideline
                 on mental health problems in people with learning disabilities. [2022] [2022]

         1.16.14  Make psychological therapies recommended for the treatment of more severe

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