Page 75 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
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Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)
• supervision of practitioners by an experienced mental health professional. [2022] [2022]
Specialist care Specialist care
1.16.9 Refer people with more severe depression or chronic depressive symptoms, to
specialist mental health services for coordinated multidisciplinary care if:
• their depression significantly impairs personal and social functioning and and
• they have not benefitted from previous treatments, and either either
- have multiple complicating problems, for example unemployment, poor housing or
financial problems or or
- have significant coexisting mental and physical health conditions. [2022] [2022]
1.16.10 Deliver multidisciplinary care plans for people with more severe depression or
chronic depressive symptoms (either of which significantly impairs personal and
social functioning) and multiple complicating problems, or significant coexisting
conditions that:
• are developed together with the person, their GP and other relevant people involved in
their care (with the person's agreement), and that a copy in an appropriate format is
offered to the person
• set out the roles and responsibilities of all health and social care professionals involved
in delivering the care
• include information about 24-hour support services, and how to contact them
• include a crisis plan that identifies potential crisis triggers, and strategies to manage
those triggers and their consequences
• are updated if there are any significant changes in the person's needs or condition
• are reviewed at agreed regular intervals
• include medication management (a plan for starting, reviewing and discontinuing
medication). [2022] [2022]
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