Page 74 - Depression in adults: treatment and management
P. 74
Depression in adults: treatment and management (NG222)
• people with learning disabilities or acquired cognitive impairments (see the NICE
guideline on mental health problems in people with learning disabilities)
• people with physical or sensory disabilities, who may need reasonable adjustments to
services as defined by legislation to enable this access; see the Equality Act 2010
• people who have conditions which compromise their ability to communicate
• people who are homeless, refugees and asylum seekers. [2022] [2022]
For a short explanation of why the committee made these recommendations and how they
might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on access to services.
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review H: access to
Collaborative care Collaborative care
1.16.7 Consider collaborative care for people with depression, particularly older
people, those with significant physical health problems or social isolation, or
those with more chronic depression not responding to usual specialist care.
[2022] [2022]
1.16.8 Collaborative care for people with depression should comprise:
• patient-centred assessment and engagement
• symptom measurement and monitoring
• medication management (a plan for starting, reviewing and discontinuing medication)
• active care planning and follow up by a designated case manager
• delivery of psychological and psychosocial treatments within a structured protocol
• integrated care of both physical health and mental health
• joint working with primary and secondary care colleagues
• involvement of other agencies that provide support
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