Page 98 - Screening for Cervical Cancer: Systematic Evidence Review
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Appendix C.  Evidence Tables

               Evidence Table 1A.  Screening Among Older Women

                Source: Author,   Study Design &                        Location & Time
                     Year          Characteristics   Stated Objective(s)     Period         Data Source(s)
               Cecchini et al.,   Population-based,   To investigate the   Florence, Italy   Cervical cancer
               1995             retrospective cohort  detection rate of   1973-1992     screening database;
                                                    CIN3 in previously                  centralized colposcopy
                                                    unscreened women,                   and pathology services
                                                    in order to reveal
                                                    trends over time in
                                                    the prevalence of

               Gustafsson et    Population-based,   To estimate the     Uppsala County,  Cervical cancer
               al.,1995         retrospective cohort  efficiency of detecting  Sweden   screening and
                                                    cancer in situ in   1969-1988       pathology database
                                                    cytologic screening
                                                    for cervical cancer at
                                                    different ages with
                                                    emphasis on women
                                                    older than 50

   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103