Page 93 - Screening for Cervical Cancer: Systematic Evidence Review
P. 93

Appendix B: Methods

               Article Screen & Abstract

               Key Question 3:
               What is the role of HPV testing in cervical cancer screening strategies?

               Initials of Reviewer __ __ __   Date  __ / __ / __       Unique Article Identifier __ __ __ __


                Is this an original research article?                              Yes          No

                Was Pap testing done as a screening test?                          Yes          No

                Does the study include at least 50 subjects/specimens              Yes          No
                with Pap results and HPV testing?

                Was HPV testing used for primary screening or as an                Yes          No
                adjunct to primary screening?

                Were Pap and HPV testing compared with a reference                 Yes          No
                standard (histology/colposcopy)?

                Were the Pap, HPV test, and reference standard                  Elapsed           No
                obtained within a three month window?                                             DK
                                                                                time: ___
                Can all cells of a 2x2 table be completed?                         Yes          No

               ALL ABOVE MUST BE “YES” TO INCLUDE FOR KQ3                         Include      Reject

                 Other Screening Questions
                 Does the article include stratification by age, with              Yes          No
                 women age 50 or older included?
                 Does the article report findings for women who have had           Yes          No
                 a hysterectomy?

                 Does the article report harms of screening/testing?               Yes          No

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