Page 91 - Screening for Cervical Cancer: Systematic Evidence Review
P. 91

Appendix B: Methods

               Article Screen & Abstract

               Key Question 1B:
               Who should be screened for cervical cancer and how often?

               What are the outcomes (benefits, harms, and costs) associated with screening among
               women who have had a hysterectomy?

               Initials of Reviewer __ __ __  Date  __ / __ / __   Unique Article Identifier __ __ __ __


                Is this an original research article?                              Yes          No

                Does the study address screening/outcomes of screening             Yes          No
                for squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix?

                Are outcomes of screening compared for women with and              Yes          No
                without a hysterectomy?

               ALL ABOVE MUST BE “YES” TO INCLUDE FOR KQ3                         Include      Reject

                 Other Screening Questions

                 Does the article include histologicaly verified measures          Yes          No
                 of Pap test or HPV test diagnostic characteristics?

                 Does the article include stratification by age, with              Yes          No
                 women age 50 or older included?

                 Does the article report costs of screening based on               Yes          No
                 actual cost of care in the US?

                 Does the article report harms of screening/testing?               Yes          No

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