Page 101 - Screening for Cervical Cancer: Systematic Evidence Review
P. 101

Appendix C.  Evidence Tables

               Evidence Table 1A.  Screening Among Older Women (cont’d)

                                 Screening     Outcomes &                                          Quality
                 Participants     Program       Measures              Relevant Results         Consideration
               N = 12,604 non- Annual advised  Primary       AGE:                              Denom=2
               pregnant                       outcome = CIN   Incidence of CIN  1-3            Attrition=2
               women with 2                   1-3 on cytology   Age    1980-84  1985-89    RR(95%CI)   Indications=2
               Paps within                                   ≤ 20     4/697       4/593      1.2(0.3,4.7)   Interval=2
               350-380 days;                  (Histology gold   21-30 12/2570   34/2102   3.5(1.9,6.5)   Age=1
                                                             31-40   5/1737   11/1150   3.3(1,2, 9.0)
               negative                       standard for   ≥41    8/1694     2/2061      0.2(0.1,0.8)   Relevance=1
               cytology on 1st                quality control                                  Standard=1+
               smear. Women                   stated, not                                      Score=11
               with history of                described)
               “inflammatory                                                                   Grade=Fair
               smears” or CIN

   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106