Page 104 - Screening for Cervical Cancer: Systematic Evidence Review
P. 104
Appendix C. Evidence Tables
Evidence Table 1A. Screening Among Older Women (cont'd)
Source: Author, Study Design & Location & Time
Year Characteristics Stated Objective(s) Period Data Source(s)
Mitchell et al., 1) Prospective 1) To determine the Victoria province, Centralized cytology
1996 Cohort; annual rate of Australia registry and cancer
interval squamous 1990-1993 registry
2) Case series cancer of the cervix
after a negative [Pap
test]; and
2) To evaluate the
proportion of women
with cervical cancer
who received
negative reports
during the three
years before the
cancer diagnosis
Cruickshank et Retrospective Birth To determine the Grampian region, Centralized cytology
al.,1997 Cohort pattern of abnormal UK registry
cervical cytology in 1989-1994
women aged 50 to
60 years and to
determine whether
the development of
cervical neoplasia in
this age group is
confined to women
who have been