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Chapter 6. Concurrent Disorders 169
Introduction 169
Hypotheses that may explain the observed comorbidity 170
Schizophrenia 171
Tobacco smoking and schizophrenia 171
Psychostimulant (cocaine and amphetamine) dependence and
schizophrenia 174
Alcohol use and schizophrenia 176
Neurobiological interactions between schizophrenia and the effects
of psychoactive substances 176
Depression 180
Tobacco smoking and depression 181
Psychostimulant dependence and depression 182
Alcohol use and depression 183
Neurobiological interactions between depression and the effects
of psychoactive substances 184
Discussion and conclusions 188
Chapter 7. Ethical Issues in Neuroscience Research on Substance
Dependence Treatment and Prevention 209
Introduction 209
Types of research on neuroscience of substance dependence 209
Animal experiments 209
Epidemiological research on substance dependence 209
Experimental studies in humans 210
Clinical trials of pharmacotherapy for substance dependence 210
Trials of pharmacotherapies to prevent substance dependence 211
Approach to ethical analysis 211
Principles of biomedical ethics 216
Human rights 217
Ethics of animal experimentation in neuroscience research 218
Ethical principles in human biomedical research 219
Independent ethical review of risks and benefits 219
Informed consent 220
Recruitment of subjects 220
Privacy and confidentiality 221
Emerging ethical issues in neuroscience research 222
Research on vulnerable persons 222
Are substance dependent people vulnerable persons? 223
Provocation studies 223
Ethical issues in epidemiological research on substance dependence 224
Ethical issues in clinical trials of pharmacological treatments
for substance dependence 225
Trial design 225
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