Page 7 - Pagetit
P. 7
Tolerance and withdrawal 103
Neurobiological adaptations to prolonged use 103
Hallucinogens 104
Introduction 104
Behavioural effects 105
Mechanism of action 105
Tolerance and withdrawal 105
Neurobiological adaptations to prolonged use 106
Summary 106
Chapter 5. Genetic Basis of Substance Dependence 125
Introduction 125
Family, twin and adoption studies: estimations of heritability 127
Identifying chromosomal locations of interest: linkage studies 127
Candidate gene approach 128
Animal studies 128
Genetics of tobacco dependence 130
Heritability of tobacco dependence 130
Tobacco dependence and linkage studies 131
Candidate genes for tobacco dependence 131
Genetics of alcohol dependence 132
Heritability of alcohol dependence 132
Alcohol dependence and linkage studies 133
Candidate genes for alcohol dependence 134
Genetics of opioid dependence 136
Heritability of opioid dependence 136
Opioid dependence and linkage studies 136
Candidate genes for opioid dependence 136
Genetics of the combined risk of dependence on tobacco, alcohol,
opioids and other psychoactive substances 138
Heritability of substance dependence 138
Linkage studies of substance dependence 139
Candidate genes involved in substance dependence 140
Confounding issues in linkage and candidate gene studies 147
Environment 147
Genetice heterogeneity 147
Phenotype 148
Comorbidity 148
Methodological issues 148
Future directions 149
Social and cultural aspects 150
Risk factors and protective factors for dependence: an overview 150
Summary 151
Pagetit 6 19.1.2004, 12:36