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                                   Chapter 1

               Methadone Treatment - A Broad Perspective

                             Donald Avoy, M.D.


      Why would anyone want to learn about methadone?  And, by the way,
      what is methadone?  The word immediately conjures up dark images
      of depraved persons, perhaps fiends, receiving some dangerous
      material which they substitute for  heroin.   Professionals in the
      criminal justice system have viewed it with suspicion for forty years.
      It is poorly understood by most medical professionals.  It is looked on
      with despair by the families of persons taking it. The general public is
      only vaguely acquainted with it.

      This discussion is intended for persons in all the above categories in
      the hope that by better understanding addiction and its treatment, they
      will better understand the very important role methadone plays in the
      treatment of some kinds of addiction. Perhaps they might also have
      more understanding and compassion for those who are struggling with
      the formidable power of addiction.
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