Page 86 - 80 guidelines for the treatment of malaria_opt
P. 86

              Guidelines for the treatment of malaria – 2  edition

            a2.3  content

            It is recommended that national malaria treatment guidelines be presented in a similar way
            as WHO Guidelines on the Treatment of Malaria. The following outline is suggested:

            1. general introduction
               •  Epidemiological situation and parasite distribution
               •  National drug resistance pattern
            2. Diagnosis of malaria

               •  Clinical diagnosis
               •  Role of parasitological diagnosis

            3. Treatment of P. falciparum malaria or the most prevalent species in the country
               •  Uncomplicated malaria
               –  definition
               –  treatment objectives
               –  treatment recommendations
               –  treatment in specific populations and situations
               •  Severe malaria
               –  definition
               –  treatment objectives
               –  treatment recommendations
               –  pre-referral treatment options
               –  management in epidemic situations.

            4. Treatment of malaria caused by other species

            5. Disease management at the different levels of the health care delivery system

            6. Annexes
            •  Relevant annexes should be attached to provide more detailed information on,
               for example, dosages of drugs, specific data on therapeutic efficacy of antimalarial
               medicines in the country, other available evidence for treatment recommendation,

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