Page 90 - 80 guidelines for the treatment of malaria_opt
P. 90

              Guidelines for the treatment of malaria – 2  edition

            a3.3  sulfadoxine

 CI  N  CI  N
            Molecular weight: 310.3
                                                Sulfadoxine is a slowly elim
                               N     N                       H N
                       O    O                   sulfonamide. It is very slightly soluble
                                                                            CH 3
 HN  CH 3  HN             S                CH 3  in water. Sulfonamides are structural
 N  CH 3                    N           O
                            H                   analogues and competitive antagonists
                                  O                                 NH 2
 OH          H N                                of p-aminobenzoic acid. They are   CI
 CH 3
              2                      CH 3
                                                competitive inhibitors of dihydropteroate
 N  CH 3                                        synthase, the bacterial enzyme responsible
                                                for the incorporation of p-aminobenzoic
 H 3 C                                          acid in the synthesis of folic acid.
 F          Sulfadoxine is used in a fixed-dose combination of 20 parts sulfadoxine with 1 part
 H 3 C               H 3 C                                                 H 3 C
 F  F       pyrimethamine and may be administered orally or by the intramuscular route.
 N  O       •  Tablets containing 500 mg of sulfadoxine and 25 mg of pyrimethamine.  O
 O  C                  O     C                                               O     C
 F  O       •  Ampoules containing 500 mg of sulfadoxine and 25 mg of pyrimethamine in 2.5 ml
 ÿ  O  CH 3    of injectable solution for intramuscular use.        O     O             CH 3
                                   CH 3
 H  H  H      H 3 C    H     H                          HO                   H     H
 HO  O      Pharmacokinetics                                           O
 H                        H                                                     H
 HN  CH 3   Sulfadoxine is readily absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Peak blood concentrations
                       CH 3
                                                                             CH 3
            occur about 4 h after an oral dose. The terminal elimination half-life is 4–9 days. Around
            90–95% is bound to plasma proteins. It is widely distributed to body tissues and fluids,
            passes into the fetal circulation and is detectable in breast milk. The drug is excreted very
 H 3 C  H 3 C         CI
            slowly in urine, primarily unchanged.
                                                                         CH 3
 O  O  C  O  O  C  Toxicity                                           HN         NH 2
 O  O
 CH 3  CH 3  Sulfadoxine shares the adverse effect profile of other sulfonamides, although allergic
 O  O
 H  H  H  H  reactions can be severe because of its slow elimination. Nausea, vomiting, anorexia and
            H 3 C                                           H 3 C
 HO  H 3 C  O  diarrhoea may occur. Crystalluria causing lumbar pain, haematuria and oliguria is rare
 H  H       compared with more rapidly eliminated sulphonamides. Hypersensitivity reactions
          H 3 C       N
 CH 3  CH 3
            may effect different organ system. Cutaneous manifestations can be severe and include
            pruritus, photosensitivity reactions, exfoliative dermatitis, erythema nodosum, toxic
            epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome (12). Treatment with sulfadoxine
            should be stopped in any patient developing a rash because of the risk of severe allergic
            reactions (13). Hypersensitivity to sulfadoxine may also cause interstitial nephritis,
 CI             CI
 H  H  H    lumbar pain, haematuria and oliguria. This is due to crystal formation in the urine
 N  N  N  CH 3  CI                                               O
 H          (crystalluria) and may be avoided by keeping the patient well hydrated to maintain a
                                    CH 3
                                                   H N
 NH  NH  CH 3  high urine output. Alkalinization of the urine will also make the crystals more soluble.
 CI                   H     H    H     CH 3                      O
 O                    N     N    N
 H 2 C  H  H 3 C  CH 3   OH                                                  CI
 HO  CH 3  H  N  OH  O          O    O                            CH 3  O         CH 3
 OH                         OH                                    N
                                         NH                                N
 N                                         2                               H
                                                       H 3 C           H           O
 HO  H  NH 2                                                                             CH 3
                                     OH                           H       HO            S
 OH                    H    H
 O  OH  O  OH  O  O
 H 3 C            H 3 C  OH    N                                             HO     OH
                           H 3 C   CH 3
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