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ANNEX 2. Adaptation of WHO treatment guidelines for use in countries

           ANNEX 2
           adaptation of WHo malaria treatment
           Guidelines for use in countries


           a2.1  background

           The guidelines provide a global framework and recommendations on the management
           of malaria, with the primary target being policy-makers in the ministries of health, to
           enable countries to formulate specific and more detailed national treatment protocols
           that take into account local antimalarial drug resistance patterns and health service
           capacity in the country. The guidelines are generic in nature, and they should be adapted
           by regions and countries.

           This annex provides orientation and guidance that the process countries should follow
           in adapting the content of the generic malaria treatment guidelines provided in the main

           a2.2  development process

           Each ministry of health should take the lead in the process of developing national malaria
           treatment guidelines. The proposed four main steps are listed below.
           •  A national workshop on the malaria treatment guidelines as a first step at country
             level. This workshop will review any current national malaria treatment guidelines,
             identify  specific  issues  that  need  to  be  addressed  and  provide  major  policy
           •  Drafting/updating the national malaria treatment guidelines. Following the national
             workshop, the national malaria case management committee (or its equivalent) should
             spearhead the development of new national malaria treatment guidelines in accordance
             with the standard outline set out below.
           •  A consensus workshop on the national malaria treatment guidelines should then
             be arranged to present, discuss and adopt the draft national malaria treatment
           •  Finalization and dissemination. The national malaria treatment guidelines are finalized,
             officially endorsed and disseminated.

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