Page 140 - 78 glossary of hivaids-related terms_opt
P. 140
Administration of a vaccine for either preventive or therapeutic
See Also: Vaccine
Preventive HIV Vaccine
Therapeutic HIV Vaccine
A substance that stimulates the body’s immune response in order
to prevent or control an infection. A vaccine is typically made up of
some part of a bacteria or virus that cannot itself cause an infection.
Researchers are testing vaccines both to prevent and treat HIV/
AIDS; however, there is currently no vaccine approved for use
outside of clinical trials.
See Also: Preventive HIV Vaccine
Therapeutic HIV Vaccine
A cowpox virus that is used as a vaccine against smallpox
infection and as a vector, or carrier, for other types of vaccines. In
HIV vaccine clinical trials, vaccinia and other herpesviruses have
been used as vectors.
See Also: Vector
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV)
A virus in the herpes family that causes chicken pox (usually during
childhood) and may reactivate later in life to cause shingles.
See Also: Herpesviruses
See: Visceral Adipose Tissue
138 HIV/AIDS Glossary