Page 138 - 78 glossary of hivaids-related terms_opt
P. 138

Trough Concentration
               See: CMIN

            Trough Level
               See: CMIN

            T-Tropic Virus
               See: X4-Tropic Virus

            Tuberculin Skin Test
               A test performed by injecting purified protein derivative (PPD) extract
               under the skin. A person who receives this test must return to his
               or her health care provider after 48 to 72 hours so that the skin’s
               reaction can be evaluated. A hard red bump or a swollen area at
               the injection site indicates that the person has been exposed to
               the bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB). Additional tests are
               required to determine if the person has active TB infection.
               See Also:  Purified Protein Derivative (PPD)
                        Tuberculosis (TB)

            Tuberculosis (TB)
               An infection caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
               TB bacteria are spread through the air when a person with active
               TB coughs, sneezes, or speaks. Breathing in the bacteria can lead
               to infection in the air sacs of the lungs. Symptoms of TB in the
               lungs include cough, tiredness, weight loss, fever, and night sweats.
               Although the disease usually occurs in the lungs, it may also affect
               the larynx, lymph nodes, brain, kidneys, or bones. A person with
     T         both TB and HIV is more likely to develop tuberculosis disease than
               a person infected only with the TB bacterium, and TB is considered
               an AIDS-defining condition in people with HIV.
               See Also: Tuberculin Skin Test

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