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Abnormal sensations, such as burning, tingling, or a “pins-and-
needles” feeling, that occur without external stimulation. Paresthesia
can occur as a symptom of peripheral neuropathy or as a side
effect of certain anti-HIV drugs.
See Also: Peripheral Neuropathy
Passive Immunity
The body’s ability to prevent or fight a specific infection after
receiving antibodies from another person. The most common
example of passive immunity is when an infant receives the
mother’s antibodies by consuming her breast milk.
See Also: Antibody
Passive Immunotherapy
The transfer of antibodies from one person to another to help the
recipient fight infection. An example of passive immunotherapy is
the use of plasma donated by healthy HIV-infected people who
have high CD4 counts and high levels of anti-HIV antibodies.
The plasma is administered to people with AIDS who have lost
CD4 cells and can no longer make their own antibodies. Passive
immunotherapy has been used with limited success in treating
P advanced HIV disease in adults, but it is still sometimes used in
HIV-infected children.
See Also: Passive Immunity
General term for any disease-causing organism.
General term for the origin and development of disease.
See: Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell
See: Pneumocystis jiroveci Pneumonia
102 HIV/AIDS Glossary