Page 8 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 8

IR-9.3                                  C O O R D I N A T I O N  C O M  P O U N D S

                           2. Pentagonal bipyramid (PBPY-7)

                                           3              PBPY-7-34-12342 (not 12432)

           IR-  T-shaped systems  ( TS-3)
                       The configuration index  f or T-shaped systems follows t he polyhedral symbol and consists of
                       a s ingle digit, the priority number of the ligating atom on the stem of the T  ( as opposed t o t he
                       crosspiece of the T).
           IR-  See-saw systems  ( SS-4)
                       The configuration index for see-saw systems consists of two digits, the priority numbers of
                       the two ligating atoms separated by the largest angle. The number of lower numerical value
                       is cited first.
                           1.                                  2.

                                     1                            1

                                         2                            3
                                  M              largest angle  M             largest angle
                                         3                            1

                                     1                            2

                                    SS-4-11                       SS-4-12

           IR-9.3.4    Describing absolute configuration –  d istinguishing between enantiomers
           IR-  General

                       There are two well-established, but fundamentally  d  ifferent,  s ystems for distinguishing
                       between  t wo enantiomers (stereoisomers that are mirror images of one another). The first,
                       based on the chemical constitution of the compound, involves the R/S convention used for
                       describing tetrahedral centres and the closely  r elated C/A convention used for other
                       polyhedra. The R/S and C/A conventions use the priority sequence referred to in Section IR-
             , and detailed in Section IR-9.3.5, where the ligating atoms are assigned a  p riority
                       number based (usually) on their atomic number and their substituents.
                         The second  i s  b ased on the geometry of the molecule and makes use of the skew-lines
                       convention; it is usually applied only to octahedral complexes. The two enantiomers are
                       identified by the symbols D and L in this system. The C/A nomenclature is not r equired  f or
                       those chelate complexes where the skew-lines convention is completely unambiguous (see
                       Sections IR- to

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