Page 6 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 6

IR-9.3                                  C O O R D I N A T I O N  C O M  P O U N D S

                           2.                               1
                                                      1    NO 2  2
                                                     O N       NH 3
                                                      2    Co    1
                                                     H N       NO 2
                                                           NH 3

                                                 mer-[Co(NH 3 ) 3 (NO 2 ) 3 ]
                                        (OC-6-21)-triamminetrinitrito-k N-cobalt(III)

                           3.                               1
                                                      2    NO 2  1
                                                     H N       NO 2
                                                      2    Co   1
                                                     H N       NO 2
                                                           NH 3
                                                  fac-[Co(NH 3 ) 3 (NO 2 ) 3 ]
                                         (OC-6-22)-triamminetrinitrito-k N-cobalt(III)

                           4.                              1            +
                                                   2          3   4
                                                     ON       CO
                                                   MeCN       NCMe
                                                     3    C     3

           IR-  Square pyramidal coordination systems (SPY-4, S PY-5)
                       The configuration index  o  f  a n SPY-5  s ystem consists of two digits. The first digit is
                       the priority number of the ligating atom on the C 4 symmetry axis (the reference axis) of the
                       idealized  p yramid. The second digit i s t he priority number of the ligating atom trans to the
                       ligating atom with the lowest priority number in the plane p erpendicular to the C 4 symmetry
                       axis. If there i s m  ore than one such atom in the perpendicular p lane, then the second  d igit is
                       chosen  t o  h ave the highest numerical value.
                         The configuration index of an SPY-4  s ystem is a  s ingle digit that is chosen  i n  t he same
                       way as the second digit of SPY-5  s ystems. The configuration index  o f  a  four-coordinate
                       square pyramidal system will therefore be the same  a s  t hat for the square  p lanar structure
                       that would  r esult from the ligands and the central atom being coplanar.  T  he difference
                       between t he structures is described by the polyhedral symbol rather than by the configuration

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