Page 2 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 2

IR-9.3                                  C O O R D I N A T I O N  C O M  P O U N D S

           IR-  Choosing between closely related geometries
                       For real molecules or ions, the stereochemical descriptor should be based on the nearest
                       idealized  g eometry. However, some  i dealized geometries are closely related [e.g. square
                       planar (SP-4), four-coordinate square pyramidal (SPY-4), see-saw (SS-4), and tetrahedral
                       (T-4);  T  -shaped (TS-3), trigonal  p lanar (TP-3), and trigonal  p yramidal (TPY-3)] and care
                       may therefore be required  i n  m  aking the choice.
                         The following approach is useful in determining the polyhedral  s ymbol for four-
                       coordinate structures. The key is to consider the locations of the central atom and the
                       coordinating atoms in relation to each other. If all five atoms are in (or are close to being  i n)
                       the same plane, then the molecule should be treated as square planar. If the four
                       coordinating atoms are in a  p lane, but the central atom is significantly displaced from the
                       plane, then the square  p yramidal geometry is appropriate. I f t he four coordinating atoms do
                       not lie in (or close to) a  p lane, then a  p olyhedron can be defined by joining  a ll four
                       coordinating atoms together  w  ith lines. If the central atom lies inside this polyhedron  t he
                       molecule should  b e  r egarded as tetrahedral, otherwise, it should be regarded as having a
                       see-saw structure.
                         T-shaped and trigonal p lanar molecules both have a c entral atom that lies in (or close to)
                       the plane d efined by the coordinating atoms. They differ in that the angles between the three
                       coordinating atoms are approximately the same  i n  t he trigonal planar structure, w  hile one
                       angle is much  l arger than the other two in a  T  -shaped molecule. The central atom lies
                       significantly out o f  t he plane in a  t rigonal p yramidal structure.

           IR-9.3.3    Describing configuration –  d istinguishing between diastereoisomers

           IR-  General

                       The placement of ligands around  t he central atom must  b e  d escribed in order to identify
                       a  p articular diastereoisomer.  T  here are a  n umber of common terms (e.g. cis,  t rans, mer
                       and fac)  u sed to describe the relative locations of ligands in simple  s ystems. However,
                       they can be used only when  a  particular  g eometry is present (e.g. octahedral or square
                       planar),  a nd when there are only two kinds of donor atom present (e.g. Ma 2 b 2 in a
                       square planar complex, where M  i s  a  central atom and ‘a’ and ‘b’ are types  o f  d onor
                         Several methods have been used to distinguish between diastereoisomers in more
                       complex  s ystems. Thus, stereoisomers resulting from the coordination of linear tetradentate
                       ligands have often been identified as trans, cis-a,  o r cis-b, 10  and those resulting from
                       coordination of macrocyclic tetradentate ligands have their own system. 11  The scope of
                       most of these nomenclatures is generally quite limited, but a  p  roposal with wider
                       application in the description of complexes of polydentate ligands has been made more
                       recently. 12
                         Clearly a  g eneral method is required in order to distinguish between  d iastereoisomers
                       of compounds in which either other  g eometries or more than two  k inds of donor atoms
                       are present. T he configuration index has been developed for this purpose. The next section
                       outlines the method by which a  c onfiguration index  i s  o btained for a  c ompound, and the

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