Page 13 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 13
C O O R D I N A T I O N C O M P O U N D S IR-9.3
The C/A assignment for polydentate ligands is illustrated by Example 6 w hich uses the
priming convention developed in Section IR-9.3.5. Note that priority number 2 h as
higher priority than 2 . 0
2 1'
3 2'
Chirality symbol = A
IR- The C/A convention for trigonal prismatic centres
For the trigonal p rismatic system, the configuration index is derived from the CIP priority
numbers of the ligating atoms opposite the triangular f ace containing the greater number
of ligating atoms of highest CIP priority. The chirality symbol is assigned by viewing
the trigonal p rism from above the preferred triangular face and noting t he direction of
progression of the priority sequence for the less preferred triangular f ace.
1. 2.
1 2 2 1
3 3
5 6 4 6
4 5
Chirality symbol ¼ C Chirality symbol ¼ A
IR- The C/A convention for other bipyramidal c entres
The procedure used for the trigonal b ipyramid is appropriate for other bipyramidal structures.
The structure is assigned the symbol C or A, a ccording to whether the clockwise (C)
or anticlockwise (A) s equence is lower at the first point of difference when the numbers are
compared d igit by digit from one end to the other (see Sections IR- and IR- and
the molecule is viewed from the higher p riority ligating atom on the reference axis.