Page 51 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 51

O R G A N O M  E T A L L I C  C  O M  P O U N D S                  IR-10.3

                       referred to as ‘cyclooctatetraenyl’. This name is incorrect as it can only be used for the
                       (as yet hypothetical) ligand C 8 H 7 .

           IR-10.3     N O M  E N C L A T U R E  O F  O R G A N O M  E T A L L I C  C  O M  P O U N D S
                       O F  T H E  M  A I N  G  R O U P  E L E M  E N T S

           IR-10.3.1   Introduction

                       The nomenclature of organometallic compounds of the main group elements is an area of
                       current and ongoing development. This section  b riefly describes key aspects of the naming
                       of such compounds, leaving a  f ull treatment of the subject to a  f uture IUPAC project.
                       Detailed  i nformation on the nomenclature of organic compounds containing the elements of
                       groups 13–16 may be found in Sections P-68 and P-69 of Ref. 3.
                          In principle, all organometallic compounds, whether of the transition or main group
                       elements, can be given  n ames based on the additive system of nomenclature that is applied
                       to coordination compounds, p rovided the constitution of the compound is known. Examples
                       of such names were given in Sections IR-7.2 and IR-7.3. I n a ddition, compounds of elements
                       such as boron, silicon, arsenic and selenium are often considered to be organometallic, a nd
                       are commonly named by notionally substituting the hydrogen atoms of the parent hydride
                       with the appropriate substituent g roups.
                          If a  c hoice must be made, it is recommended here that organometallic compounds
                       derived from the elements of groups 13–16 be named by a  s ubstitutive process, while
                       those derived from the elements of groups 1  a nd 2  b e  n amed using  t he additive system
                       of nomenclature or in some  c  ases  j ust compositional nomenclature if less structural
                       information is to be conveyed. Where an organometallic compound  c ontains two or more
                       central atoms (which may be associated with different nomenclature systems according to
                       the above recommendation), a  choice must again be made to provide the basis of the name.
                       A  g eneral rule is recommended  i n  S ection IR-10.4.

           IR-10.3.2   Organometallic compounds of groups  1  and 2
                       Organometallic compounds of the elements of groups 1  a nd 2  w  ith a  d efined coordination
                       structure are named according to the additive system of nomenclature, the general
                       definitions and rules of which are given in Chapter IR-7 and Sections IR-9.1 and IR-9.2.
                       Thus, prefixes denoting the organic groups and any other l igands are placed in alphabetical
                       order before the name of the metal. These prefixes may adopt either the additive ‘ido’,
                       ‘diido’, etc. e ndings or, in the case of hydrocarbyl groups, the substitutive ‘yl’, ‘diyl’, etc.
                       endings (see Sections IR-10.2.2 and IR-10.2.3). The l atter practice allows n ames in common
                       usage for organic groups to be applied unchanged. The presence of a  h  ydrogen atom
                       attached to the metal centre must always be indicated (by the prefix ‘hydrido’) and the name
                       of a  c yclic compound with the central atom in the ring  m  ay be formed using appropriate
                       locants of a d ivalent ‘ diido’ or ‘diyl’ group to indicate chelate-type bonding to the metal, as
                       in Example 5  b elow.

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