Page 56 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 56

IR-10.5                              O R G A N O M  E T A L L I C  C O M  P O U N D S

                                                      OC             CO
                                                    OC       Sb        CO
                                                        Mn        Mn

                                   (phenylstibanediyl)bis[dicarbonyl(Z -cyclopentadienyl)manganese]

           IR-10.4.3   Central atoms  f rom groups 13–16 only
                       If the possible  c entral atoms are both or all from class (ii), then the compound is named
                       substitutively as described in Section IR-10.3.3 (and in more detail in Section IR-6.3).
                       The parent hydride is chosen  o n  t he basis of the following element order (‘4’  m  eaning
                       ‘chosen before’, cf. S ection P-41 of Ref. 3):
                                    N 4 P 4 As 4 Sb 4 Bi 4 Si 4 Ge 4 Sn 4 Pb 4
                                      B 4 Al 4 Ga 4 In 4 Tl 4 S 4 Se 4 Te 4 C
                         Thus, for a  c ompound containing both arsenic and lead, the parent hydride would be
                       selected as AsH 3 , r ather than PbH 4 , t he lead atom then appearing in the name as a  p refixed
                       substituent, often with its own substituent g roups.

                           1. As(PbEt 3 ) 3 tris(triethylplumbyl)arsane
                                                          4        1
                                                   H Sb               AsH 2

                           3.                                    OMe
                                                                 SiMe 2

                                                                 GeMe 3
                           4. Et 3 PbCH 2 CH 2 CH 2 BiPh 2

                           5. SiClH 2 Sn(Me)¼Sn(Me)SiClH 2
                              Si,Si -(1,2-dimethyldistannene-1,2-diyl)bis(chlorosilane)

           IR-10.5     R E F E R E N C E S

                       1. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, IUPAC Recommendations 1990, e d. G.J. Leigh,
                          Blackwell Scientific  P ublications, Oxford, 1990.

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