Page 53 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 53
O R G A N O M E T A L L I C C O M P O U N D S IR-10.3
9. MgIMe
magnesium iodide methanide (compositional name)
iodido(methanido)magnesium (additive name of coordination type)
methylmagnesium iodide (compositional n ame with formally e lectropositive
component named using additive nomenclature)
[MgI(Me)] n
poly[iodido(methanido)magnesium], or poly[iodido(methyl)magnesium]
IR-10.3.3 Organometallic compounds of groups 1 3–16
Organometallic compounds of the elements of groups 13–16 a re named according to the
substitutive system of nomenclature, dealt with in Chapter I R-6. Thus, the name of the
parent hydride (formed in accordance with the rules of Section IR-6.2) i s m odified by a
prefix for each substituent r eplacing a h ydrogen atom of the parent hydride. The prefix
should be in appropriate substituent f orm (chloro, m ethyl, sulfanylidene, etc.) a nd not in
ligand form (chlorido, m ethanido, sulfido, etc.).
Where there is more than one kind of substituent, the prefixes a re cited in alphabetical
order before the name o f t he parent hydride, parentheses being used to avoid a mbiguity, and
multiplicative prefixes being used as necessary. Non-standard bonding numbers are
indicated using the l-convention (see Section IR- An overview of the rules for
naming substituted derivatives of parent hydrides is given i n S ection IR-6.3, w hile a d etailed
exposition may be found in Ref. 3.
1. AlH 2 Me methylalumane
2. AlEt 3
3. Me 2 CHCH 2 CH 2 In(H)CH 2 CH 2 CHMe 2
triethenylstibane, or trivinylstibane
4. Sb(CH¼CH 2 ) 3
pentamethyl-l -stibane
5. SbMe 5
6. PhSb¼SbPh d iphenyldistibene
7. GeCl 2 Me 2
8. GeMe(SMe) 3
9. BiI 2 Ph diiodo(phenyl)bismuthane
10. Et 3 PbPbEt 3
dimethyl-l -stannane
11. SnMe 2
12. BrSnH 2 SnCl 2 SnH 2 (CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 )
13. Me 3 SnCH 2 CH 2 C CSnMe 3