Page 1 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

                       Nomenclature of

                       Inorganic Chemistry

                       I U  P  A  C  R  E  C  O  M  M  E  N  D  A  T  I O  N  S  2 0 0 5

                       Issued by the Division of Chemical Nomenclature and
                       Structure Representation in collaboration with the

                       Division of Inorganic Chemistry

                       Prepared for publication by

                       Neil G. Connelly                      Ture Damhus
                       University of Bristol, UK             Novozymes A/S, Denmark

                       Richard M. Hartshorn                  Alan T. Hutton
                       University of Canterbury, New  Z ealand  University of Cape Town, South Africa
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