Page 146 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 146
IR-8.6 I N O R G A N I C A C I D S A N D D E R I V A T I V E S
Rules for naming very complicated homo- and heteropolyoxoanions are given i n C hapter
II-1 of Ref. 3.
Note that Examples 10–14 above show how one may easily name t ransition metal
compounds t hat have been named as acids in the past. Names such as permanganic acid,
dichromic acid, etc., a re not included i n t he present recommendations because they represent
an area where it is difficult to systematize and decide what to include, and where the names
are not needed for organic nomenclature, as opposed t o t he corresponding ‘acid’ names for
acids of main group elements.
Finally, note that usage is different from the above in the names of salts and partial esters
of organic polyvalent acids, where ‘hydrogen’ is always cited as a s eparate w ord just before
the anion name, e.g. potassium hydrogen phthalate or ethyl hydrogen phthalate.
IR-8.5 A B B R E V I A T E D H Y D R O G E N N A M E S F O R C E R T A I N A N I O N S
A f ew common anionic species have names which can be regarded as short forms of
hydrogen names formed according to the above method. These names, all in one word
without explicit indication of the molecular charge, and without the enclosing marks, are
accepted d ue to their brevity a nd long usage and because they are not ambiguous. It is
strongly r ecommended that this list be viewed as limiting due t o t he ambiguities that may
arise in many o ther c ases. (See the discussion in Section IR-8.4.)
Anion Accepted simplified Hydrogen name
hydrogen name
H 2 BO 3 dihydrogenborate dihydrogen(trioxidoborate)(1 )
HBO 3 hydrogenborate hydrogen(trioxidoborate)(2 )
HSO 4 hydrogensulfate hydrogen(tetraoxidosulfate)(1 )
HCO 3 hydrogencarbonate hydrogen(trioxidocarbonate)(1 )
H 2 PO 4 dihydrogenphosphate dihydrogen(tetraoxidophosphate)(1 )
HPO 4 hydrogenphosphate h ydrogen(tetraoxidophosphate)(2 )
HPHO 3 hydrogenphosphonate h ydrogen(hydridotrioxidophosphate)(1 )
dihydrogenphosphite dihydrogen(trioxidophosphate)(1 )
H 2 PO 3
HPO 3 hydrogenphosphite hydrogen(trioxidophosphate)(2 )
HSO 4 hydrogensulfate hydrogen(tetraoxidosulfate)(1 )
HSO 3 hydrogensulfite hydrogen(trioxidosulfate)(1 )
IR-8.6 F U N C T I O N A L R E P L A C E M E N T N A M E S F O R D E R I V A T I V E S O F
In functional replacement nomenclature, substitution of ¼O o r OH groups in parent
oxoacids (such a s O ! S, O ! OO, OH ! Cl, etc.) is indicated by the use of infixes o r
prefixes a s e xemplified below ( see Ref. 1, Section P–67.1).